Ming Harper
Architectural Assistant / Designer
Ming joined Nissen Richards Studio in 2024 after completing her MArch at the Royal College of Art. Her graduation project explored the potential of seaweed in reshaping the UK’s coastal areas, challenging the perception of the marine barrier and transforming the identity of coastal regions. Her work throughout her studies focused on speculative futures through storytelling and narratives proposing new coastal areas to live in, play in, work in, represent, characterise and occupy, including a full-size habitable alternative to Laugier’s primitive hut made from seaweed. By applying the methodology of aquaculture her work explored possibilities to form a new coastline using the infrastructure of these farming methods and positively restructure the identity of the coastline and surrounding seabeds.
She graduated from Newcastle University with a first class degree in architecture in 2020 and has worked on set designs, temporary installations and immersive settings in London, Madrid and Singapore. Additionally, she has worked for architectural firms in London and served as an onsite assistant for renovating a Grade II listed Edwin Lutyens house. Her varied work experience encompasses her interests in sustainable construction materials and new forms of craftsmanship and innovation.