The Museum of Lost and Found Potential

London and International

Exploring the potential lost to the world through neglected mental health

Exhibition Design, Graphic Design, Wayfinding, Selected

Launching to coincide with World Mental Health Day 2019, ‘The Museum of Lost & Found Potential’, created by Curator Andy Franzkowiak with artist Nestor Pestana and a team including exhibition designers Nissen Richards Studio, is a temporary exhibition revealing a stark and powerful picture of potential lost across the world to people, families, communities, businesses and society due to neglected mental health and suicide. The exhibition also shows the potential of everything that can be found when people receive the support they need.

The Museum was created by Speak Your Mind – the nationally driven, globally united campaign that wants everyone, everywhere to have the mental health support they need – in partnership with HSBC. After its world premiere in London’s Covent Garden, the museum will journey across the world as a travelling exhibition. The stories it presents range from a survivor of multiple suicide attempts now writing books and making films to support others to a Ghanaian woman who lost her job due to bipolar and psychosis, now receiving treatment and back working.

Nissen Richards Studio collaborated closely with Andy Franzkowiak and Lead Artist Nestor Pestana to develop the designs and layout for the gallery. The design of the curved tables, which hold the majority of the objects and stories, is a continuation of the visual language for the Speak Your Mind campaign. The tables transform and change in height to form benches and walls that lead the visitors through the museum but are always based on 1 of 4 standardised footprints. This modular design will allow the Museum to be transported and rearranged in different locations around the world. Nissen Richards Studio also produced the graphic design for the museum, including interpretation panels, dichroic window dressing and a newspaper to be taken away by visitors.


Havas and Speak Your Mind with curator Andy Franzkowiak


London and international


Exhibition and Graphic Designer


Artists Nestor Pestana, Unit Lab, Rūta Irbīte, Christian Duka, Ben Donoghue

Gareth Gardner